Author Guidelines:
The World Current Pharmaceutical Research Journal (WCPRJ) is an online, monthly published, peer-reviewed research journal that focuses on innovative and high-quality research across various fields of Pharmaceutical Sciences. We welcome submissions that cover a broad range of topics related to Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research, including but not limited to:
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Biopharmaceutics
- Pharmacokinetics
- Industrial Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance
- Organic Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Green Chemistry
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Pharmacy Practice (including Hospital, Community, and Clinical Pharmacy)
- Pharmacy Practice (including Hospital, Community, and Clinical Pharmacy)
- Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
- Natural Products
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology
- Regulatory Affairs
- Pharmaceutical Marketing Research
- Alternative Medicines Etc…
Types of Manuscripts
We accept a variety of manuscript types, including:
- Research Papers: Original, detailed studies presenting new and significant findings.
- Review Articles: Comprehensive reviews of relevant literature in the field.
- Mini-Reviews: Shorter, focused reviews on current trends or advances in pharmaceutical sciences.
- Short Communications: Brief reports that communicate significant, innovative findings quickly.
- Case Studies: Detailed reports on clinical or practical cases in the pharmaceutical field.
Submission Guidelines:
- Originality: Manuscripts submitted to WCPRJ must be original and should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Peer Review: All submissions will undergo a rapid peer-review process. Articles that meet our high standards of quality, originality, and relevance will be accepted for publication.
- Format: Manuscripts should follow the WCPRJ formatting guidelines, which include clear sections for the abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references.
Publication Ethics:
WCPRJ adheres to strict ethical guidelines for publication. All manuscripts must comply with the ethical standards for research and publication. Any issues related to plagiarism, data falsification, or unethical research will result in the rejection of the manuscript.
ARTICLE FORMAT (Research / Review Article, Case Study and Short Note)Submission Guidelines:
- Language: The manuscript must be written in clear,English. It is allowed to use either British or American spelling. It must be sent in Microsoft Word 2003 Format (.doc or .docx).
- Page Setup/ Font: In Microsoft Word Select All Manuscript Then Go To The Page Setup Setting (Top, Bottom, Right, Left, Is 1,1,1,1 Inch..)For All Sides, Paper Size Is A4 Sized Sheets. The Manuscript Shell Be Prepared On Times New Roman and Font Size Is 12 All Article.
- Paragraph: In Home Section Paragraph Setting(Indentation and Spacing) Is Should Be 0Left, Right, Before and After.
This All 9 Points In UPPERCASE and Bold Also.
- 1. Title Page
- 2. Abstract
- 3. Keywords
- 4. Introduction
- 5. Materials and Methods
- 6. Result and Discussion
- 7. Conclusion
- 8. Acknowledgements
- 9. Reference
The title page must include:
- Title of the manuscript: Should be concise, specific, and informative.
- Author names and affiliations: Include the full names of all authors and their institutional affiliations.
- Corresponding author details: Provide the name, email address, and contact information for the corresponding author.
The abstract should summarize the research, including key objectives, methodology, major findings, and conclusions. It should be clear, concise, and informative, with a maximum of 250 words.
Provide 3-6 relevant keywords that reflect the content of the manuscript. These keywords will be used for indexing and search purposes, so choose terms that are common within the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
The introduction should give a brief overview of the background and context of the study. Clearly state the research problem, hypothesis, or objective of the study. Include relevant references to previous research that highlights the importance of your work.
In this section, describe the materials, methods, and procedures used in the study in enough detail to allow others to replicate the research. This includes experimental design, data collection techniques, and statistical analysis (if applicable).
- Results: Present the findings of your study clearly, using appropriate tables, figures, or graphs. Make sure the data is organized logically.
- Discussion: Interpret the results, explaining their significance in relation to the research question. Compare your findings with previous studies and discuss any potential limitations.
Summarize the main findings of your study and their implications for the field of pharmaceutical research. Avoid repetition of the results and emphasize the contribution your research makes to existing knowledge.
This section is optional. Acknowledge any individuals, organizations, or funding sources that contributed to the study but were not included as authors.
All sources cited in the manuscript should be listed in the reference section, following the formatting style used by WCPRJ. Ensure that the references are up-to-date and relevant to your study.
If You Need any Type OfQuery, Please Contact Us: